Advice for the Seeker is a collection of short, English translated transcripts from the blessed speeches and discourses of Shaykh ul Aalam, Khwaja Mohammad Alauddin Siddiqui Naqshbandi.
By Allah’s Immense Grace, the words and wisdom of Shaykh ul Aalam have been a source of guidance for thousands if not millions all over the world, especially over the past few decades, opening the way of understanding and enlightenment for seekers of true Islam as has been preserved throughout history by the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaat.
With his compassionate wisdom and counsel, Shaykh ul Aalam’s words do not simply address the masses, they address every individual heart which make up the masses. Indeed, this is a special quality of the Men of Allah i.e. the awliya, the true teachers of Islam and those who speak from the depths of their own hearts to touch the depths of other hearts.
Today, the reality of tasawwuf – the spiritual core of Islam – has become the centre of great controversy, its reality having been tarnished with false accusations and doubts spun by the uprising Salafi and Wahabi extremist movements over the last century. Consequently, many have become confused or simply remain unaware about its reality; simply put, tasawwuf is the heart and soul, the spiritual crux, of Shari’ah. Therefore, contrary to widespread fabrications, every true Sufi throughout history and to this day, has strongly adhered to the Shari’ah and sunnah, in fact striving in the purest manner due to their recognition of the importance of intention (niyyah) and inner struggle (mujahada). The Sufis are indeed those who oppose that which contradicts Islamic Law and rid themselves of anything which is not attached to Sayyidina RasulAllah, whilst establishing the significance of purifying one’s heart. This is the core of Islam, and this is Islam as followed by the Noble Companions. And so, by Allah, this is the way of Shaykh ul Aalam, whose own character reflects his own teaching: “Honour the sunnah and by Allah, you too will be honoured!”
Through this humble effort, we hope to convey the noble Shaykh’s gems of wisdom in a format which is accessible to all, with the hope that by Allah’s Grace it may benefit people far and wide.
Though we aim to record the date for each extract, this collection is relatively new so some dates are unknown from older discourses or speeches. Insha Allah, this collection will be ongoing and we hope to add more throughout the coming months.
And success comes from Allah.
May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon our beloved Master, Sayyidina Muhammad, his Family & Companions.
- Intro: Shaykh ul Aalam’s Advice for the Seeker
- The Light of Ala Hadhrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan • Saffar 1431H / January 2010
- Certainty of Prophethood • 28th Ramadan 1433 / 16th August 2012
- Analogy of the Life of this World • 28th Ramadan 1433 / 16th August 2012
- Zuhd (Asceticism) • 28th Ramadan 1433 / 16th August 2012
- The Command “Be!” • 4th Shawwaal 1433 / 22nd August 2012
- State of the Muslim Ummah • 19th Shawwaal 1433 / 6th September 2012
- Accepting the Divine Decree (Servanthood & Bayazid Bustami) • Date unknown